
All content on this website is the copyright © Carlotta Luke 2022. All rights reserved.

privacy and cookies policy

We respect your privacy. Below is an outline of the information that we gather via this website and how it is used.

Please contact us if you have questions about this policy.

Site Visits

Whenever you request a page through your browser, data such as:

  • your IP address
  • browser and version
  • operating system
  • date and time and the site from which you came

are stored in a log file and/or database. This information cannot be used to identify specific individuals, and is only used for:

  • Web site and system administration
  • research and development
  • anonymous user analysis

Use of cookies

Our website automatically deploys a cookie on your computer when you arrive at our website, provided cookies are not blocked by your browser.

This cookie allows us to track visitor statistics and site usage and is automatically deleted after 30 days.

You can easily restrict or block the cookies used by this website through your browser settings. The Help function within your browser will provide detailed instruction of how to change these settings.

You might also want to visit which provides instructions on how to block cookies on all the major browsers. This site also explains how you can delete cookies that have already been stored on your computer as well as general information about cookies.

You should be aware though that most cookies are harmless and restricting them may impact on the functionality of the websites you visit.

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